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Patent Search, Drafting and Filing
We can help with any point in the patent process, from patent prior art search to patent issuance. From conducting a preliminary patent search for relevant patents and prior art, patent consulting, drafting patent applications, and filing your patent application.
Let us answer your questions, and help your new product project, quickly and easily, move through the patent process for market ready status. Wherever you are in the patent process, we can help you get your idea protected and move your project forward rapidly.
The NPDS Patent Engineering and Intellectual Property (IP) team has decades of experience and exceptional skill sets. Many of our USPTO Registered Patent Agents have formerly worked as USPTO Patent Examiners, Patent Engineers, and offer great insight and benefit.
When developing a new product, to ensure a project's path forward, your financial security, and it's market potential, it is generally wise to first do a thorough competitive market analysis as well as have a professional preliminary patent search conducted. We suggest this, because whether or not you plan on filing for a patent, you do not want to unknowingly infringe on existing patents or prior art which could result in legal problems, and wasted time and money.
A patent prior art search is a low cost when compared to the potential issues it may prevent in the future, such as dealing with lawyer and attorneys. Additionally, there are games and forms of abuse that exist in the patent system that most are not aware of. In some cases patents are written, not for the purpose of ever bringing an item to market for profit, but to be deliberately obscure and hard to find in valid patent searches for the sake of later litigating over infringement issues. These people are known as "patent trolls" and there are many of them out there.
Once your patent prior art search is complete, and you have a positive Patentability Opinion that a patent may be sought, our USPTO Registered Patent Agents can draft your patent application, and file the patent application electronically, you will then be Patent Pending. For further information about patent prior art searches and the help we can offer, we have a dedicated page providing further explanation.
In as little as 30 days, your new product concept can be Patent Pending.
You can be assured your patent work was performed to the highest standards, as the NPDS Team takes pride in prosecuting the most comprehensive and protective patents applications.
We deal patents from many industries on a regular basis and should be able to answer any questions you may have, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to answer your questions.
Our IP team has registered patent agents ready to serve your patent needs!
  • USPTO Registered Patent Agent Performed Prior Art Search
  • NPDS Product Development Team:
    • Brainstorming for concept novelty
    • Patent Drawings for Patent Draft
  • NPDS Patent Engineer:
    • Defining of potential patentable claims
    • Review of Patent Application Patent Draft
  • USPTO Registered Patent Agent:
    • Patent Prior Art Search with Summary
    • Patentability Opinion
    • Drafting the USPTO Patent Application
    • EFS filing of Patent Application
  • USPTO patent process prosecution completed - Patent Pending
  • Patent Engineering and Patent/IP Consulting
In addition to our full service patent help, we at NPDS also are happy to help with trademarking as well, including planning your trademarks as well as searches, drafting, and filing with the US Patent and Trademark Office. Visit our trademarks page to learn more information about trademarking your phrase, design, or logo.
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