NPDS Product Services, New Product Development Banner
Questions with Real World Answers
NPDS Product Services works with inventors nationwide who invent and seek help with product development and design, patents, and manufacturing services, at low cost. With decades of experience, our product development team can provide invent help for you the inventor, for your invention through the entire process.
The New Product Development (NPD) process is very straightforward. Our founder answers some basic questions below that an inventor may have. This represents 35+ years of real world experience in bringing new product concepts to the store shelves, successfully profiting from them, and often creating stand-alone businesses to manufacture, distribute and sell to the marketplace.
Free 15 minute consultation, we would be happy to answer all your questions, from concept development, protecting your new bright idea, product development, prototyping, and manufacturing. Give us a call, and ask the NPDS Pros.
On a daily basis our NPDS Product Engineering Sales Team will hear the typical prospective client questions below. Be aware as there is so much dis-information about product development in the public domain, particular created from persons of little to no experience.
WARNING: The biggest mistake that individual amateur inventors make, is announcing their great idea to the public, such as YouTube, and or Crowd Funding sites. Once you announce your great new idea in the public domain, it is no longer considered new or novel by the USPTO, and becomes un-patentable. You have just turned your great idea in to Prior Art, and destroyed your chances for achieving a patent.
Question: I have a bright idea for a new product invention, what next?
   Answer: See the NPD Process Flowchart

Question: I found a product similar to my idea, should I keep developing mine?
   Answer: A similar product on the market does not necessarily mean you cannot succeed with your idea. Just because a product is on the market does not mean that it is patented, or that a patent has been filed. In some cases the current market product may not even be patentable.

Question: How long does it typically take to bring a product to market?
   Answer: Depends on the complexity of the product project, and linear project funding, both play a role in the timeline to market. We generally only require 1 to 3 months, from presentation of client concept, to have a functional prototype in-hand, for proof of concept. Products often can be made Market Ready Status in 3 to 6 months from inception.

Question: How much does it cost to develop a product for market?
   Answer: Depends on the complexity of the product project, an if the client presents a product concept that is well defined and implemented, then it may be possible to estimate the project.

Question: Can the NPDS Product Development Team help me from start to finish, concept to market ready status?
   Answer: Yes, our nationwide highly experienced senior product development team, includes engineers, patent professionals, licensing consultants, and consulting from 35+ years of real world successes.

Question: Should I have a patent search performed, and is my product idea patentable?
   Answer: Yes, you should always have a professional patent search performed, whether you seek patent protection or not. Avoid receiving a cease and desist lawyer letter, if you inadvertently infringed on a patent.

Protect yourself legally and financially, as not to later get shut-down, and loose your investment. A proper and professional patent search with patentability opinion is part of the inventor's roadmap for success.

Question: Why would one choose NPDS over other product companies?
   Answer: Experience Counts! 35+ years of product development expertise, and market successes.

Question: Patent Attorney or Patent Agent?
   Answer: A Patent Attorney can litigate a case in court for infringement, as they are trained and licensed in court proceedings. A Patent Agent is trained in patent searches, and patent filings, and related USPTO communications. Both must be degreed in the clients specific industry or market field, to ethically perform a professional patent services.

Question: What is the quality and usability of a Patent Search performed by LegalZoom, or a typical Patent Attorney who's practice is not specialized in the clients concept, industry, or market?
   Answer: The quality of a patent search performed by LegalZoom, or the typical patent attorney who is not specialized in your field, industry or market is typically of varying quality. New clients often bring us the results of these patent searches, that are deficient in scope, and quality of work performed. Avoid do-overs, protect your investment.

Question: Does Flat Rate Patent Services, serve one well?
   Answer: No. As many Patent Searches are of unknown depth and breadth, and no way to determine in advance the number of "hits", patents, and patent published applications that must be reviewed. Flat Rate Services often end up with a truncated patent search, leaving the client to invest in their idea, without full knowledge and vital information.

Question: What is the average cost for NPDS bringing my product idea to Patent Pending Status?
   Answer: Depending on the product project, and the complexity of the product, most "simple device" USPTO Utility Patent Applications, including the Patent-Prior Art Search with Patentability Opinion Report, and Patent Application drafting can be performed in about 40 hours of work. All said an done, patent application submitted to the USPTO, cost around $3500 for NPDS services, for the average client's "simple device" product idea.

Question: What is the NPDS difference?
   Answer: We take personal pride in the quality of the work we perform for our clients, bringing the highest quality patent apps to the USPTO, for the highest chance of patent issuance, affording the maximum protection for your idea, and product.

NPDS IP Team consist of USPTO Registered Patent Agents and Patent Attorneys who have specific degrees and training in various fields and industries, performing top notch high quality searches and patent filings.

Design Process
You have an idea for a new product, or already have a product in mind that you would like to develop.
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Working in this industry gives us insight as to what is the state of product development.